sabato 7 aprile 2012

Can anyone reach the home page of Digg?

Is Digg a scam ?? That is the first question that i need the answer

I have been surfing on Digg for at least 4 years now but never reached  the homepage  .
I have tried with at least 15 Digg accounts  ,some of them with more than 2000 folowers ,and i have reached 30 dugg in 30 min  too but still did not reached the  Digg homepage .
I am wondering if only some  users have this privileges ,
because if you have noticed  in the homepage of Digg there are always  the  same  users .
I have watching Digg for 5 days and noticed that the users that reaches the homepage are  always the same
I dont want to say that digg is a scam but i really need to understand watt is going on,because i know that all of us wants to reach the homepage and go viral on Digg , we are talking  of tons of traffic  ,some websites have receved  from Digg  even 100,000  visits  and that is realy a good score  for  one day traffic.
Please comment and tell me if you have any good ideas of wat one can do to get more than 200,250  visits from digg.

Thanck you

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